Minis & Juniors

We offer fun and enjoyable netball sessions that are both competitive and challenging.

Blaze Minis - Years 2 to 4

This is our introductory level for girls and boys wanting to start or develop their netball.
Blaze Minis sessions are held at Douay Martyrs School, Edinburgh Drive, Uxbridge UB10 8QY

Years 2,3 & 4: Saturdays 9.30-10.30am

Blaze Minis offers a fun, relaxed introduction to learning the basic fundamental skills of netball.
Click here to book or for more info. Please do not arrive without booking.

Blaze Juniors - Years 5 to 10

This is the next level for players to develop their netball and work towards playing competitively in the Queens North Junior Netball League and tournaments. We understand that players develop at different rates and that each player will be ready for competitive matchplay at different times.
We arrange friendly fixtures when we can for more relaxed opportunities for matchplay.

Years 5 & 6: Saturdays 10.45-12.00pm
Training sessions are held at Douay Martyrs School, Edinburgh Drive, Uxbridge UB10 8QY

Years 7, 8 & 9: Wednesdays during term time 6.00-7.30pm (7.15pm for Year 8)
Year 10: Wednesdays during term time 7.00-8.30pm
Year 11+ train with the senior section of the club and play in the adult leagues
Training sessions are held at Bishopshalt Secondary School, Royal Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3RF

Click here to book or for more info. Please do not arrive without booking.

For Years 5+ we offer two training Trial sessions.
When you arrive, please ask for the Coach for your age group or the Lead Coach - Alison. At the end of their two week trial the player, parent and Coach may discuss membership to Blaze Netball Club. If successful, players would then need to pay an initial £50 for the term's subs via bank transfer and complete their membership pack. All forms must be placed in an envelope with your daughter's name and age group marked clearly on the front.
Please print this document, complete it with your daughter and return it to the relevant junior Coach.

Blaze NC Membership Pack

Cancelled training

Unfortunately it will sometimes be necessary to cancel due to issues with the venue or weather.
Expect a Whatsapp message and/or a Heja message sent out by 9am or 10am on Saturdays and by 5pm on Wednesdays or as soon as a Coach can get to the venue for a court inspection. 


Level 2 UKCC : Alison, Hollie, Sue, Michelle & Clemmie
Level 1 UKCC : Lauren, Alice & Nicole
Safeguarding Officer: Lauren Pines

If you have any further questions or concerns, please use the contact methods on the website or email directly.

Many Thanks

Blaze Junior Coaches

Join our club

Contact us today if you are interested in finding out more about our club either as a player, official, coach or volunteer.

Get in touch

Blaze Committee & Coaching Team 2023/4

Sue Cousins

Chairperson, Kit Secretary & Website Administrator

Alison Summerfield

Vice-Chairperson & Juniors Head Coach

Hollie Summerfield

Club Secretary & Publicity Officer

Sponsors Area

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